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SELECTBIO Conferences Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics Asia 2022

Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics Asia 2022 Agenda

PµSL, An Ultra-Precise 3D Printing, and its Application in Microfluidics

June Lu, Senior Engineer, BMF Asia

3D printing has been rapidly developed and well accepted in academic researches and different industries. However, obvious drawbacks of current 3D printing technologies still inhibit their further application and hence commercialization. Among them, resolution is one of the most mentioned concerns. Projection Micro Stereolithography technology (PµSL), with ground-breaking 2µm/10µm resolution, has been increasingly applied in both scientific researches and new product development. Compared to traditional methods such as injection molding and machining, PµSL substantially reduces the cost and shorten the lead time, by avoiding the mold fabrication or complicated programming. Compared to lithography, PµSL can avoid complex casting and strenuous assembly procedures, and able to build parts with more complex 3D structures as well (e.g., internal channels). Furthermore, PµSL can help to break the fetters of mind which inhibit the imagination of engineers. They can now reconsider the designs which were believed to be impossible with other methods. This report describes the principle and advantages of PµSL, then provides some case studies of its applications in microfluidics.