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SELECTBIO Conferences Innovations in Microfluidics 2024: Rapid Prototyping, 3D-Printing

Innovations in Microfluidics 2024: Rapid Prototyping, 3D-Printing Agenda

3D-Printed Microfluidic Circuitry via Alternative Additive Manufacturing Strategies

Ryan Sochol, Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College Park

Over the past decade, researchers have demonstrated that additive manufacturing—or “three-dimensional (3D) printing”—approaches provide powerful means for achieving integrated microfluidic circuits and systems.  Although the majority of developments in the area of 3D-printed microfluidic circuitry have relied on mesoscale “vat photopolymerization” techniques, such as “stereolithography”, there are a wide range of additive manufacturing approaches that offer utility for microfluidic circuit design, fabrication, and integration.  In this talk, Prof. Ryan D. Sochol will discuss how his Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Laboratory is leveraging the capabilities of alternative additive manufacturing technologies—namely “PolyJet 3D Printing” and “Two-Photon Direct Laser Writing”—to realize 3D-printed microfluidic circuits for soft robotic applications… including a soft robotic “hand” that plays Nintendo.