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SELECTBIO Conferences Point-of-Care, Biosensors and Rapid Dx Europe 2024

Point-of-Care, Biosensors and Rapid Dx Europe 2024 Agenda

Multi-Omics and EV-based Biomarkers For Complex Disease Diagnostics From Blood, Saliva or Cerebrospinal Fluid

Lucia Ciglar, Scientist, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)

The discovery and validation of circulating biomarkers for minimally invasive diagnostics of complex diseases have been a major focus of AIT’s Molecular Diagnostics group. Multi-omics approaches for biomarker development from both tissue and cell-free body fluids, including the utilization of EV-derived miRNAs, have been successfully established. In this presentation, the extensive multi-omics technology workflows developed by our research group will be introduced and selected results from a study conducted on patients with coronary artery disease will be highlighted, demonstrating the power of integrating various omics layers to identify and validate circulating biomarkers. Additionally, diverse EV biomarker studies will be reported, showcasing research across a range of diseases, including metabolic, immune-mediated, and cardiovascular diseases. EVs derived from different biofluids, such as serum, plasma, cell-free saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid, have been utilized, demonstrating the versatility and promise of EVs in disease diagnostics.