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SELECTBIO Conferences Organoids and Spheroids Europe 2024

Dasja Pajkrt's Biography

Dasja Pajkrt, Professor of Viral Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Dasja Pajkrt | MD PhD MBA |is Professor of Viral Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Amsterdam Faculty of Medicine at the Amsterdam University Medical Center.

She is head of OrganovirLabs (, founder of the Amsterdam Organoid Centers (ORCAU), coordinator of two H2020 programs: Organoid for Virus research (OrganoVIR, and GUT VIrus BRain Axis Technology In OrgaNoid Science (, member of the Dutch network Transition animal-free innovations (TPI). She is a member of the Senate of the University of Amsterdam.

Her expertise is on pediatric viral infections, most specifically on picornavirus, cytomegalovirus and HIV infections. Her research group has multiple scientific publications on clinical disease, viral pathogeneses, host-pathogen interactions and outcomes of pediatric viral infections, published in high profile journals (Clin Inf Dis, Lancet Inf Dis, Neurology, J Exp Med, Blood, Science). She supervised a total of 19 PhD students and >40 medical or graduate students. She published >200 peer reviewed papers.

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