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SELECTBIO Conferences Separation and Detection

Mark Parkin's Biography

Mark Parkin, Lecturer

Mark obtained his PhD from King’s College London (KCL) under the supervision of Martyn Boutelle, studying biolelectrochemistry and the dynamic metabolism of brain injury. He followed this with a postdoctoral position in Robert Kennedy’s lab at the University of Michigan where he first encountered capillary liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. This was followed by a postdoctoral position back at KCL where the focus was on small molecule mass spectrometry. He then obtained a Wellcome Trust Value in People award and recently a lectureship in the Analytical and Environmental Sciences Division. His research focuses on developing highly sensitive capillary liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry methods to detect trace amounts of drugs and peptide and protein hormones in biological specimens for evidential purposes.

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