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SELECTBIO Conferences Flow Chemistry India 2017

Andrea Adamo's Biography

Andrea Adamo, Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Andrea Adamo is a researcher and entrepreneur with extensive experience in the development of innovative engineering solutions. Dr. Adamo holds a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Palermo, Italy and a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from the University Federico II of Naples, Italy in addition to a Master of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a Fulbright Scholar. ,After completing his graduate studies, Dr. Adamo joined the laboratory of Professor Klavs Jensen, Director of the MIT Chemical Engineering Department and pioneer of continuous flow chemistry. Dr. Adamo has worked in the Jensen Group, first as a post-doctoral associate, and then as a Research Associate. In these positions, Dr. Adamo’s research has covered a variety of topics, ranging from delivery of compounds to cells, lab on a chip applications, microfluidic-based detection systems, and flow chemistry devices. Through these activities he has gained extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of innovative micro-fluidic and milli-fluidic systems. He has co-authored several scientific papers published in international peer-review journals, and holds several patents. Currently, Dr. Adamo has a Research Associate position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and he is active in the Boston entrepreneurial community as founder and CEO of Zaiput Flow Technologies, a company established for the commercialization of innovative tools for continuous flow chemistry.

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