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SELECTBIO Conferences Biofabrication & Biomanufacturing Europe 2019

Shelly Peyton's Biography

Shelly Peyton, Associate Professor

Shelly received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University in 2002 and went on to obtain her MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. She was then an NIH Kirschstein post-doctoral fellow in the Biological Engineering department at MIT before starting her academic appointment at UMass in 2011. Her research interests are in biomaterial design and understanding how cell-material interactions contribute to cancer aggressiveness, cardiovascular disease progression, and regenerative medicine. Since arriving at UMass she has been named a Pew Biomedical Scholar, received a New Innovator Award from the NIH, and a CAREER grant from the NSF.

Shelly Peyton Image