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SELECTBIO Conferences NanoPharmaceuticals

Kewal Jain's Biography

Kewal Jain, Chief Executive Officer/Professor

Professor K. K. Jain is a neurologist/neurosurgeon by training with fellowship qualifications from the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Canada and Australia. After his retirement from clinical practice, he has been working in the biotechnology/biopharmaceuticals industry for several years. He received graduate training in both Europe and USA, has held academic positions in several countries and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of UK. Currently he is a consultant at Jain PharmaBiotech.
Prof. Jain’s 455 publications include 25 books (5 as editor + 20 as author) and 50 special reports, which have covered important areas in biotechnology, gene therapy and biopharmaceuticals. His important recent books include "Handbook of Nanomedicine" (Springer 2008; Chinese edition, Peking University Press 2011, 2nd ed Springer 2012) and Textbook of Peronalized Medicine, 1st ed 2009; Japanese edition 2012, 2nd ed Springer, 2015.

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