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SELECTBIO Conferences Stem Cells and Antibodies in Drug Discovery Europe 2018

Hugh Byrne's Biography

Hugh Byrne, Professor

Professor Hugh J. Byrne is the Head of the FOCAS Research Institute, DIT. He has over 30 years’ experience in research science and has published over 300 peer reviewed journal and conference papers. He has been responsible for over €25 million in funded projects, including PRTLI Cycles 1,4 and 5 an well as SFI, EI and EU projects and has over 20 years of experience in the management and development of research infrastructure. Received his Bachelor of Arts (moderatorship) degree in Experimental Physics, from Trinity College Dublin in 1985. Received his PhD in Experimental Physics, from Trinity College Dublin, 1989. Held a postdoctoral research fellowship in Physics Department, Trinity College Dublin from October 1989- April 1991. Research Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, from April 1991-July 1995, funded in part by a Marie-Curie Fellowship. Visiting Research Scientist at the National Institute of Materials and Chemistry Research, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1995- January 1996. Appointed to staff of DIT in January 1996, as lecturer in the School of Physics. Seconded as manager of FOCAS at DIT in 2000. Awarded Honarary Professorship of DIT (internationally reviewed), December 2008. Principal research interests are in applications of spectroscopy and the study of molecular and nano-materials, and biospectroscopy for diagnostics, cytological analysis and nano-bio interactions.

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