Keynote Speakers
OverviewSELECTBIO is thrilled to announce the continuation of Epigenetics in Drug Discovery for 2017. The event will form part of the multi-track conference, Advances in Drug Discovery, and will run alongside three additional tracks: Antibodies in Drug Discovery, Academic Drug Discovery and Stem Cells in Drug Discovery. As a multi-track event, delegates will have unrestricted access to all conference tracks and networking opportunities. Attracting researchers from both academia and industry, this track will explore the latest opportunities and challenges for epigeneticists looking to discover and develop new molecular entities. Topics to be addressed include, assays for Methyltranferases and Demethylases, Bromodomain inhibitor discovery, indications beyond cancer, Non-BET Bromodomains and of course updates in Oncology. SELECTBIO is offering a limited number of student bursaries at this event. Find out more