Integrative Genomics and Proteomics for Linking Molecular and Clinical Worlds
Rajani Kanth Vangala, Director, Thrombosis Research Institute
Genes and proteins do not function in isolation in the cell and study of complex diseases requires effective integration and analysis of disparate data from genotype, phenotype and environment. Furthermore, translation of disease molecular mechanisms into tailored clinical applications is a major task to be addressed. It is important to develop innovative, integrative and cost-effective health systems by using knowledge-based disease modeling to translate the multi-dimensional molecular and clinical data into patient-centric models. We have developed an integrative translational research strategy which utilizes the molecular networks to reconcile the genotypes and phenotypes. We have successfully integrated the disease phenotypes with molecular networks to elucidate the transcriptional regulation and identification followed by validation of biomarkers in coronary artery disease. In order to enable the participatory, preventive and precision medicine, we have used nanotechnology to develop novel technology platforms from bio-specimen collection, storage to assay development