Perspective for the Next Generation DNA Sequencing Techniques and Applications
Wilhelm Ansorge, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Development and applications of DNA sequencing techniques in the last years have exceeded by far the expectations. Historical development of the field from the start up to the initial Next Generation systems, technical principles of the platforms existing 6 years ago and many applications, have been described in the previous reviews (e.g. 1,2 ). In this updated review is discussed the status of the technology in the second half of the year 2015, both of the novel commercially available platforms, and of the systems in development. Mentioned are techniques with potential for future DNA sequencing techniques. Discussed are some of the not solved challenges for the platforms, the price to performance ratio, complexity of sample preparation, and detection of structural variations in genome.The aims for the technology will be to lower the cost of the equipment and biochemicals involved, increasing simultaneously the reproducibility, reliability and simplicity of the techniques and protocols in operation, of importance for diagnostics and applications in the clinics. During the last few years have been rapidly developing technologies and methods that permit analysis of the genome and transcriptome of a single cell. The first observations suggest that both genomic and transcriptomic heterogeneities within an organism are more common than expected, during normal development and disease. Recent public support for precision medicine, for novel therapeutic approaches and efforts for improvements in the healthcare, will be a motivation for further innovations and developments in the field.