An Exploration on how Sequencing of Circulating Cell-free RNA in Plasma are Enabling RNA-based Molecules as Clinical Biomarkers
Winston Koh, Scientist, Stanford University
Clinical research of human diseases is challenged by the high cost of testing experimental therapeutics in human subjects. There is a need for biomarkers capable of identifying at risk subjects and accurate means of measuring treatment outcomes that will enable cost efficient “proof of concept” trials. Discovery of circulating RNA in plasma has sparked interest in their use as this form of quantifiable diagnostics across human diseases. In this talk, we will explore using sequencing techniques to profile circulating RNA in maternal blood and its potential as a tool for monitoring pregnancy and fetal development. Guided by the sequenced cell-free RNA transcriptome, we will delve into the development of multiplex qPCR assays focusing on brain tissue specific circulating RNA expression profiles as diagnostics for neurologic diseases especially Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, we will survey the possibility of integrating these data for the development of personalized treatment approaches.