Mt-SEA Pipeline: High Throughput Flow Cytometric Analysis of Exosomes in Clinical Biofluids
Jennifer Jones, NIH Stadtman Investigator, Head of Transnational Nanobiology, Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
Because Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) carry surface receptors that are
characteristic of their cells of origin, EVs have tremendous potential
as non-invasive biomarkers for diagnosis, risk-stratification, treatment
selection, and treatment monitoring. We developed a first-in-class
pipeline to characterize EV heterogeneity and provide high-sensitivity
quantification of informative EVs in biofluids before, during, and after
treatment. By combining multiplex assays with high-resolution, single
EV flow cytometric methods together into a Mutiplex-to-Single EV
Analysis (Mt-SEA) pipeline, we are able to characterize a broad range of
relevant EV subsets, while also accurately measuring the concentration
of specific EV populations. Detection of tumor-associated EVs and
detection of EV repertoire changes during treatment paves the way to
future evaluation of EVs as as biomarkers for use in personalized,
adaptive therapies.