Pumps, Valves, and Fluidic Connectors for Automating and Integrating Microphysiological Systems
John Wikswo, A.B. Learned Professor of Living State Physics; Founding Director, Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems, Vanderbilt University
Much of the organ-on-chip and tissue-chip research to date has relied on
very simple perfusion schemes that include surface tension, hydrostatic
pressure, rocking plates, syringe pumps, pressurized reservoirs, and
on-chip pneumatic or electromagnetic peristaltic pumps. A number of
commercial microphysiological systems are moving towards high-throughput
well-plate formats. Each of these fluid handling technologies presents
different advantages in cost, convenience, and simplicity, and
disadvantages regarding reservoir filling, media change, recirculation
and volume minimization, organ-organ integration, bubble- and
microbe-free addition and removal of chips from multi-organ
microphysiological systems, temporal control of drug concentrations,
adjusting/balancing flow rates, and controlling sensors for long-term
use. While a common trend is towards high throughput and low cost, there
are critical applications where high content is more important than
high throughput, particularly those requiring multi-omic
characterization of physiological responses over time to drugs and
toxins for both single and multiple organs. We review how our computer
controlled, modular, rotary planar peristaltic micropumps and
twenty-five port rotary planar valves can be used to create
autocalibrating electrochemical MicroClinical Analyzers, multi-well
MicroFormulators that can create in vivo the pharmacokinetics observed
in animals and humans, and perfusion controllers for multiple
NeuroVascular Unit, Gut-in-a Puck, and Thick Tissue Mammary Bioreactors.
Pumps and valves are useful for compact perfusion controllers that
operate in microgravity environments. Miniature rotary valves will
enable bubble-free, sterile connection and disconnection of individual
organ chips to other organs and analyzers. Ongoing and future
applications include 100-port valves and systems for optimizing the
differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells, a 10,000 channel
yeast MicroChemostat, and a MicroDialysis imager, all with direct
injection into a mass spectrometer. The cost and complexity of these
systems over present technologies is balanced by sophisticated computer
control and sensor integration, reduced technician effort, high content
results, and parallelization.