High Throughput Vascularized Organoids For Drug Screening
Noo Li Jeon, Professor, Seoul National University
Recent developments in microfluidics based organ-on-a-chip approaches have progressed rapidly in last few years. This presentation will describe recent work in our laboratory where new patterning method based on open microfluidics combined with injection molded devices enable formation of array of vascularized tumor spheroids and organoids that can be used for drug screening. Utilizing a microfluidic design with spontaneous capillary flow (SCF) based patterning mechanism, we present a novel in-vitro platform, Sphero-IMPACT and T-IMPACT (Injection-Molded Plastic Array 3D Culture platform). Drugs and immune cells can delivered via the perfusable vessel networks and live time-lapse imaging can be used to follow dynamic changes in the tumor microenvironment. Recent results on vascularized iPSCs derived neurosphere will also be described. The IMPACT platform is a versatile, high throughput platform with potential applications in organoid based drug screening with the form factor and throughput of standard microtiter plates.