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SELECTBIO Conferences Targeted Cancer Therapies & Biofluid Biopsies

Swapna Chaudhuri's Biography

Swapna Chaudhuri, Professor, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine

Prof Swapna Chaudhuri is an alumnus of University of Calcutta. She has joined School of Tropical Medicine in 2008 as Professor. Her research area is in the fields of Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Respiratory and Infectious Immunology and Immunotherapy and Haematopoietic Stem cell Immunology and Immunotherapy. Taught at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Published sixty five papers in high impact factor journals and also reviews, monograms, book chapters. Has won many Academic laurels and Fellowships, affiliated to twelve Academic Societies, Editorial Committee member of many National and International journals, Reviewer of twenty one high impact factor journals, Principal Investigator of twenty one projects, Supervised 21 PhD, MD and DM students and co-guided 5 PhD students.

Swapna Chaudhuri Image

The Multi-Potent Novel Biomolecule T11 Target Structure (T11TS) helps in Malignant Glioma Abrogation: A Preclinical Study

Friday, 26 May 2017 at 10:00

Add to Calendar ▼2017-05-26 10:00:002017-05-26 11:00:00Europe/LondonThe Multi-Potent Novel Biomolecule T11 Target Structure (T11TS) helps in Malignant Glioma Abrogation: A Preclinical StudyTargeted Cancer Therapies and Biofluid Biopsies in

The Presenter will discuss their work on Glioblastoma and will show how Immunotherapy with T11TS (a glycopeptide derived from SRBC) on an established rat model of glioma rejuvenates the deserted immune system and causes profound immune potentiation both at the peripheral and intracranial levels. It will also discuss how T11TS, when administered in three doses to glioma-bearing rats, helps in glioma abrogation by reversing the glioma-induced changes in the T-cell signaling pathway and by steering the pathway in the positive direction. To unearth the root of this immune suppression due to glioma, the modulation of hematopoietic stem cells and their apoptotic death were also studied which will be covered during the talk. Modulation of HSCc during glioma and treatment with T11TS therapy indicates the regenerative power of T11TS.Taken together, the talk will highlight their findings which suggest that T11TS can be introduced as an effective anti- neoplastic agent.

Add to Calendar ▼2017-05-25 00:00:002017-05-26 00:00:00Europe/LondonTargeted Cancer Therapies and Biofluid BiopsiesTargeted Cancer Therapies and Biofluid Biopsies in