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SELECTBIO Conferences High-Value Diagnostics

Winston Patrick Kuo's Biography

Winston Patrick Kuo, SAB, Exosomics Siena; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Circulating Biomarkers, InTech Publishers

Dr. Kuo is the Chief Operating Officer of the IES Diagnostics that is developing molecular immune diagnostics tests for use in personalized medicine. IES's proprietary technology from the FDA makes use of this natural enrichment to achieve high sensitivity and specificity for gene transcripts and the expression of genes responsible for auto-immune diseases as a primary focus, though can be used for cancers and other diseases. Dr. Kuo founded the Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies to provide the Harvard biomedical research community with early access to enabling leading edge translational technologies, which was an integral part of the Harvard Catalyst Clinical and Translational Science Center at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kuo has also been an active member of NIH/SBIR grant review study section for the past 7 years and a peer reviewer for the Qatar National Research Fund for the past 2 years. He sat and advised on the Public-Private-Partnership and Translational CTSA Key Function Committees at the NIH and sits on numerous Scientific Advisory Boards including the Framingham Heart Study, ShanghaiBio, Exosomics Siena, HansaBioMed and Gene Expression to name a few. Dr. Kuo is on the editorial board of several international journals and is Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Circulating Biomarkers and NanoBioMedicine. He is also founder of the Otto Heinrich Warburg Cancer Research Foundation, focused to foster, fund, and realize biomedical scientific research aimed at advancing knowledge in science and discovering effective and affordable cancer treatments with a focus on cancer metabolism. Previously, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Director and founder of the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science – Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies at Harvard Medical School. And prior to leaving Harvard Medical School to industry was the recipient of the prestigious Young Mentor Award.

Winston Patrick Kuo Image

A Universal Extracellular Vesicle Cancer Screening Test Based on the Warburg Effect

Tuesday, 17 November 2015 at 08:00

Add to Calendar ▼2015-11-17 08:30:002015-11-17 09:30:00Europe/LondonA Universal Extracellular Vesicle Cancer Screening Test Based on the Warburg

Cancer cells adopt a non-oxidative breakdown of glucose to produce energy, in contrast to healthy cells which mainly generate energy from oxidative breakdown of pyruvate. The underlying driver of tumorigenesis is an impaired cellular respiration caused by a dysfunction of mitochondria. It is has been demonstrated that cancer cells, and many cells grown in-vitro, exhibit glucose fermentation even when enough oxygen is present to properly respire, hence the phenomenon, the Warburg Effect. The presentation discusses the novelty and impact of a membrane protein targeting tumour metabolism along with cancer-specific biomarkers in both circulating and specific sub-populations of extracellular vesicles in most solid tumours (colon, gastric, breast, lung, prostate, ovarian and melanoma) for purposes of screening, diagnostics and monitoring therapeutic treatments.

Add to Calendar ▼2015-11-16 00:00:002015-11-17 00:00:00Europe/LondonHigh-Value