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SELECTBIO Conferences Gene Silencing & Epigenetics

Gene Silencing & Epigenetics Workshop

Introduction of miRNA Research Reagents and Development of Novel Transfection Reagents using Combinatorial Chemistry and High-Throughput Cell Screening Workshop

29 Apr 2014 in South San Francisco, CA, USA, 1.15PM till 2PM

miRNA Research Reagents

Wako presents some application data of Anti Ago monoclonal antibodies and miRNA isolation kits based on immunoprecipitation method by using high affinity anti Ago monoclonal antibodies.


Novel Transfection Reagents

Incella GmbH is a start-up company based at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany and uses novel technology that was recently developed as part of an interdisciplinary collaboration between chemistry and biology research groups. Incella GmbH has a strategic partnership with Wako to focus on the development of novel highly efficient and diverse transfection reagents for different in vitro and in vivo applications. In this presentation, Dr. Pavel Levkin – co-founder of Incella GmbH and a group leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, will present the novel combinatorial chemistry approach based on click-chemistry as well as cell culture based screening assays. These approaches allow rapid development of efficient transfection reagents that are optimized for applications using a range of nucleic acid molecules, such as plasmid DNA, mRNA, siRNA and miRNA. Our unique chemistry provides several advantages for functional transfection and some examples will be presented. A variety of different cell lines, including difficult-to-transfect primary cells, stem cells and iPS cells have been efficiently transfected using our newly developed ScreenFectTM transfection reagents.

Workshop Tutor

Pavel Levkin
Tutor, Incella

Taku Funakoshi
Tutor, Wako

Add to Calendar ▼2014-04-29 00:00:002014-04-30 00:00:00Europe/LondonGene Silencing and