Market Reports

The Market Reports division of Select Biosciences is focused on producing specialist analyses of cutting-edge fields as they are expanding. Written by experts in their fields, our reports provide a technical and commercial analysis of dynamic and emerging markets in the life sciences and drug discovery fields.

Stem Cells Market Trends 2010: Drug Discovery/Toxicity Screening and Regenerative Medicine

Publisher: Select Biosciences
Published: April 2010
Pages: 52


This market trends report from Select Biosciences presents the results from our latest industry tracking completed in March 2010. The data presented herein are based on primary market surveys from a worldwide respondent pool of industry participants active in the stem cells field. This bottom-up analysis highlights market trends operative and enables the identification of trends vis-a-vis the research marketplace, utilization of different classes of stem cells, as well as the penetrance of different research product vendors into specific segments of the stem cells marketplace.

This market report is built using data and analyses from Select Biosciences continual industry tracking of this marketplace and our analysis of this space provides up-to-date qualitative and quantitative market metrics. Primary Market Data Provide a Comprehensive and Bottom-Up Picture of the marketplace for the utilization of stem cells for drug discovery/toxicity screening efforts as well as research for regenerative medicine applications.

Specific Topics Covered in this Trends Report:

  • Primary and Up-to-Date Market Survey from a Worldwide Cross Section of the Stem Cells Industry Participants
  • Quantitative Market Penetration of Vendors Offering Products (in various segments) to the Stem Cells Research Community
  • Utilization Trends of Different Classes of Stem Cells for Drug Discovery/Toxicity Screening and Associated Trends
  • Penetrance of hESCs and iPSCs in Drug Discovery/Toxicity Screening
  • Currently Commercialized Products and Services Utilizing Stem Cells for Drug Discovery/Toxicity Screening
  • Activities Utilizing Stem Cells for Research Efforts in Regenerative Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Disease and CNS Disease Research Trends vis-a-vis Utilization of Stem Cells

This data-driven characterization of the stem cells market landscape is a hands-on document that can be used for competitive benchmarking, business planning, and strategy development-all the data that have been collected in this industry analysis are presented and they form the basis for the conclusions drawn throughout the market report presented in a format enabling "drag-and-drop" into business presentations or business plans.

Report Table of Contents (TOC) [Click Here to Download PDF File]

For enquiries about this market report, please contact Kathy Gray at