Next-Generation Bioprinting For Manufacturing Tissue-Engineered Products

Tuesday, 18 August 2020 at 14:30

Add to Calendar ▼2020-08-18 14:30:002020-08-18 15:30:00Europe/LondonNext-Generation Bioprinting For Manufacturing Tissue-Engineered Products3D-Printing and Biofabrication 2020 in Boston, USABoston,

Main challenges for the manufacturing of tissue engineered advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) relate to the standardisation of manufacturing processes and the improvement of tissue functionality, and cost-effectiveness and profitability of related treatments. Producing advanced therapy medicinal products remains a cumbersome process with costs, reproducibility and scalability issues.

Poietis develops biomanufacturing solutions based on Next Generation Bioprinting (NGB). This new platform integrates automation and robotics technologies, and is coupled with numerous online sensors – including cell microscopy – and Artificial Intelligence processing. In addition, it integrates all bioprinting techniques (laser-assisted bioprinting, bioextrusion, micro-valve bioprinting), a world’s first in the bioprinting market.
Based on our experience on bioprinting full-thickness skin equivalents, we will discuss how next-gen bioprinting technology – should make it possible to overcome current tissue manufacturing bottlenecks and also provide new therapeutic opportunities.

Fabien Guillemot, Chief Executive Officer, Poietis

Fabien Guillemot

Dr. Fabien Guillemot is the CEO and founder of Poietis, company devoted to the fabrication of complex and customized tissues for regenerative medicine and pharmaceutical applications by Laser-Assisted Bioprinting. He obtained his PhD in Materials Science in 2000 from the National Institute for Applied Sciences (France) and was appointed Senior Researcher in 2005 at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM, France). PI of the group Tissue Engineering Assisted by Laser, he accomplished pioneered works on in vivo and in situ bioprinting. In 2009, Dr. Guillemot organized the International Conference on Bioprinting and Biofabrication in Bordeaux. He is the author of more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals and about 40 invited conferences.