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SELECTBIO Conferences Organoids and Spheroids Europe 2024

Simona Mura's Biography

Simona Mura, Full Professor

Simona Mura is Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Paris-Saclay. After completing her Pharmacist degree at the University of Cagliari in Italy, she pursued a PhD in Chemistry and Technology of Drugs, graduating in 2009 under the guidance of Professor A.M. Fadda. Her doctoral research focused on the design and in vitro evaluation of innovative vesicular systems for the topical delivery of drugs. Following this, she continued her academic journey by joining the research group led by Professor E. Fattal at the Institut Galien, UMR CNRS 8612, University Paris-Sud in France. In this post-doctoral role, she investigated the lung toxicity of biodegradable nanoparticles specifically designed for pulmonary drug administration. In 2011, she was promoted to the position of Associate Professor at the same university. During the period from 2011 to 2016, she was affiliated with the CNRS through the Chaires d'excellence program, conducting research in the team led by Professor P. Couvreur. In 2015, she has been appointed Visiting professor at the Osaka University (Group of M. Akashi) and in 2017 she integrated the prestigious Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) as Junior member. She has been awarded her HDR (Accreditation to conduct research) in 2018 and in September 2022 she has been appointed full Professor. She conducts research at the interface of chemistry, physical chemistry, and biology, with a primary emphasis on developing biomimetic drug delivery systems. Her work involves investigating the behavior of nanomedicines within the complex biological environment of the human body, from the administration site to the targeted action site. This research is achieved through the integration of biomimetic 3D culture techniques, microfluidic technology, and advanced characterization methods.

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