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SELECTBIO Conferences Flow Chemistry Europe 2018: Emerging Themes and Trends in the Field

Ulrich Hintermair's Biography

Ulrich Hintermair, Whorrod Research Fellow/Professor

Uli received a dual education in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Würzburg and the École Supérieure de Chimie, Physique et Électronique de Lyon. After finishing a master thesis with Prof. David Cole-Hamilton at the University of St Andrews in 2007, he did his PhD with Prof. Walter Leitner at the RWTH Aachen on continuous-flow asymmetric catalysis using supercritical fluids. He graduated summa cum laude and won the Silver Medal of the European Young Chemist Awards in 2010. As a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow he worked on water- and CH-oxidation catalysis with Prof. Bob Crabtree at Yale University before starting his independent career at the CSCT in 2013. In 2016 he established the Dynamic Reaction Monitoring (DreaM) Facility at Bath, won the Willi Keim Prize of DECHEMA and the Sir John Meurig Thomas Catalysis Medal. Since 2017 he holds a Royal Society University Research Fellowship

Ulrich Hintermair Image