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SELECTBIO Conferences 3D Culture Models

Jens Kelm's Biography

Jens Kelm, CEO and Co-Founder

Jens M. Kelm, PhD is a biotech executive and co-inventor of 3D microtissue technology with more than 20 years of experience in Biotech. He got his PhD at the Institute of Biotechnology at the ETHZ followed by a research associate position at the University Hospital Zürich. After two years he became the scientific director of the Competence Center Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (CABMM) at the University of Zürich. He is a co-founder of InSphero AG where he served as CSO/CTO as well as chairman of the Board of Directors. Currently CEO and co-founder of PreComb Therapeutics AG applying 3D tissue engineering technologies to discover novel drug combinations. Jens has generated 10 patents/applications, published more than 50 scientific publications focusing on the development and implementation of 3D models in drug discovery and regenerative medicine. and is also co-founder and committee member of the competence center for Tissue engineering for Drug Development and substance Testing (TEDD).

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