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SELECTBIO Conferences Space Tango Virtual Summit 2022

Siobhan Malany's Biography

Siobhan Malany, Associate Professor

Dr. Malany is a drug discovery pharmacologist and space researcher. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida. She holds six pending and issued patents, one of which was licensed to AlloRock to develop guanylyl cyclase A positive allosteric modulators as therapeutics for resistant hypertension. She has sent four payloads to the ISS since 2014 and is investigating effects of microgravity on human muscle biology using functional devices called “tissue chips”as a micro-scale model of musculoskeletal disease. She is part of the Central Florida Cluster Initiative to expand economic opportunities in the region. Dr. Malany holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Iowa and completed postdoctoral training in pharmacology at the University of San Diego and was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Max Plank Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany. She started her pharmacology career in the biotechnology industry in San Diego before moving to Florida in 2011 to lead a chemical biology drug discovery team at the Sanford Burnham Chemical Genomics Center in Orlando. There, a trip to see the last Endeavor launch sparked an interest in space research.

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