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SELECTBIO Conferences Innovations in Microfluidics 2023

Alireza Ahmadianyazdi's Biography

Alireza Ahmadianyazdi, Postdoctoral Scholar

I earned my doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2021, following a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. During my PhD program, I conducted research on the development of optical nano-sensors using single-layer graphene for both biomedical and industrial applications such as glucose detection and flow sensors. The outcomes of my doctoral research have been published in journals such as ACS Nano and Nano Research. In 2021, I joined the Bioengineering Department at the University of Washington and began working in the laboratory of Dr. Albert Folch on the development of innovative polymeric resins and processes for additive manufacturing of high-resolution and functional microfluidic devices.

Alireza Ahmadianyazdi Image