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SELECTBIO Conferences 3D-Cell Culture Heterogeneity: A Webinar by CellDynamics i.s.r.l

Andrea Cristaldi's Biography

Andrea Cristaldi, Senior R&D Specialist

Andrea joined the CellDynamics team as a Senior R&D Specialist in 2019 to conceive the technology, as well as raising awareness on the importance of the biophysical aspects to minimize the gap between in-vitro and in-human.

His previous work consisted of 10+ years of multidisciplinary academic research, performed between Italy and UK, which allowed him to produce science related to several chemistry and bioengineering fields, ranging from hybrid organic/inorganic materials and supramolecular chemistry, to in-silico drug design, micro- and milli-fluidics reactors and flow-synthesis of nano- and micro-particles.

-M.Sc. in “Chemistry” (Biomolecular oriented), Italy
-Second Level Master Degree in “Molecular Modelling and Drug Design in Oncology”, Italy
-Ph.D in Bioengineering/Chemistry - the University of Southampton (UK)

Andrea Cristaldi Image