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SELECTBIO Conferences The Space Summit 2022

Tammy Chang's Biography

Tammy Chang, Associate Professor of Surgery

Dr. Tammy T. Chang is Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She holds an M.D.-Ph.D. combined degree from Harvard Medical School, and her clinical training includes General Surgery Residency and Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship at UCSF. Dr. Chang attends on the Acute Care Surgery service at UCSF Medical Center, and she directs a basic and translational research laboratory focused on liver tissue engineering. The unifying theme of her research program is to understand how physical environmental forces, including dimensionality and extracellular matrix, regulate hepatocyte function. Overarching goals of Dr. Chang’s laboratory are to develop novel tissue-based therapies to treat end-stage liver disease and to advance bench-to-operating-room regenerative surgery approaches. Accordingly, her work has delineated the role of stiffened matrix in fibrotic liver disease, characterized the function of human stem cell-derived liver organoids, and investigated microgravity-enabled cellular self-assembly in generating larger tissue constructs. Extramural support for Dr. Chang’s research includes sources from the NIH, NSF, NASA, and the American College of Surgeons.

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