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SELECTBIO Conferences Cell Culture, Engineering and Formulation Techniques

Sanjit Nirmalanandhan's Biography

Sanjit Nirmalanandhan, Research Assistant Professor

Dr. Nirmalanandhan graduated from the National Institute of Technology Calicut, India in 2001 with a B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering and received his M.S degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2004. He then obtained his Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering (Tissue Engineering) from the University of Cincinnati in 2007. Upon receiving his Ph.D, he did a two year postdoctoral fellowship on cancer drug discovery at the University of Kansas Medical Center. His current research expands tissue engineering technologies to study the pharmacology of 3D tumors and simulate the effects of mechanical forces on engineered 3-dimensional lung tumors. This new area of research entitled, Tumor Tissue Engineering consists of developing and validating physiologically relevant, engineered, 3D human and animal lung tumor models for screening anti-lung cancer drugs in the presence of simulated in vivo forces that mimic respiration. Dr. Nirmalanandhan is currently spearheading the Tumor Tissue Engineering research at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

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