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SELECTBIO Conferences Point-of-Care, Biosensors & Mobile Diagnostics Europe 2019

Michael Schöning's Biography

Michael Schöning, Professor and Director, Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies

Michael J. Schöning received his diploma degree in electrical engineering (1989) and his PhD in the field of semiconductor-based microsensors for the detection of ions in liquids (1993), both from the Karlsruhe University of Technology. In 1989, he joined the Institute of Radiochemistry at the Research Centre Karlsruhe. Since 1993, he has been with the Institute of Thin Films and Interfaces (now, Peter Grünberg Institute, PGI-8) at the Research Centre Jülich, and since 1999 he was appointed as full professor at Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Jülich. Since 2006, he serves as a director of the Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies (INB) at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. His main research subjects concern silicon-based chemical and biological sensors, thin-film technologies, solid-state physics, microsystem and nano(bio-)technology.

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