Winnie Svendsen,
Winnie Svendsen received her BSc degree in 1992 and MSc degree in physics in 1993 from the University College Dublin, Ireland; here, she received the EOLAS applied research award for excellent research. Her PhD was from Copenhagen University and the National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (RISØ), and was finalized in 1996. In 1996 she accepted a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for plasma physics. In 1998 Dr. Svendsen received talent stipend from SNF (now FNU) and the prestigious Curie stipend from Copenhagen University to establish a research group to design a hyperpolarized gas set-up for use in medical lung diagnostic. In connection with this project she received funding from the European Fifth Framework to organize a workshop on hyperpolarized gases. In 1999 she was appointed Professor at Copenhagen University. Since 2000 Dr. Svendsen has been employed as Professor at DTU. In 2006 she established her own research group, Nano-Bio Integrated Systems (NaBIS), which integrates micro- and nanoscience in lab-on-chip systems to develop highly sensitive technologies for medical diagnosis and treatment monitoring, as well as environmental monitoring.