OncoGenomics in the Cloud
Dadabhai Singh, Director, Cloudseq Pte Ltd
Genomic studies have revolutionazed all aspects of Life Sciences research from Emerging Viral Infectious diseases to Microbiome studies to Crop genomics to Human oncogenomics.
Obtaining the genome sequence used to be the “goal” for many projects earlier, where as it is a “beginning” now, to achieve a higher goal with more accuracy and confidence than ever before.
The dawn of Next Generation Sequencing era has made it possible for a large number of OncoGenomics labs, in academia and industry, to venture into genome sequencing at various levels. Genome sequencng has become a “commodity” resulting sequence data tsunami The PMI (Precision Medicne Initiative) launched by President Obama last year, specifically mentions cancer prognosis and diagnosis at nucleotide level as the major goal over the next decade.
The National Cancer Hub in USA intends to genertae 20 petabytes of sequence data per anum by 2020. Cloud Computing has revolutionized the way BIG data is stored, managed and analyzed today. Several prestigious institutes around the world have already migrated their voluminous data to the Cloud and use Cloud Computing routinely.
The ability to access, manage and analyze the sequence data from anywhere in the world through secure web, opens a tremendous opportunity to young and brilliant scientists in the field of OncoGenomics to achieve their best without the constarints of owning NGS infrastructure and/or infostructure.
We endeavor to deliver that at CloudSeq (http://cloudseq.sg)