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SELECTBIO Conferences Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes & Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019

Clotilde Costa's Biography

Clotilde Costa, Translational Medical Oncology Group, Joint Unit Roche-Chus, Oncomet, Universitary Cinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela

She obtained her Biology Degree at Vigo University, then she developed her Ph.D. in Molecular Oncology at CIEMAT (Madrid) focused on the study of the cell cycle genes in squamous cell carcinomas. In 2013 she joined Translational Medical Oncology Group at Santiago de Compostela to work in the study of metastasis through Liquid Biopsy. Since 2015 she is responsible for the Liquid Biopsy Line at the Joint Unit Roche-Chus sited at the Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela. She is focused on the identification of biomarkers and understanding the metastatic process biology of breast cancer through the study of circulating tumor entities.

Clotilde Costa Image

CTC Isolation for Single Cell Analysis

Wednesday, 30 October 2019 at 13:30

Add to Calendar ▼2019-10-30 13:30:002019-10-30 14:30:00Europe/LondonCTC Isolation for Single Cell AnalysisCirculating Biomarkers, Exosomes and Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The

CTCs analysis at single-cell level allows the study of tumor heterogeneity in a minimally invasive way. CTCs repeated sampling offers real time information of the tumor and potentially is a tool for therapeutic strategy decisions. Present research shows single cell isolation using three different technologies (VyCAP puncher, DEPArray and manual micromanipulation) and subsequent sequencing analysis (Oncomine comprenhensive assay). Metastatic breast and prostate cancer patients before and after treatment (chemotherapy) were considered for this study.

Add to Calendar ▼2019-10-30 00:00:002019-11-01 00:00:00Europe/LondonCirculating Biomarkers, Exosomes and Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes and Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The