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SELECTBIO Conferences Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics World Congress 2017

Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics World Congress 2017 Company Workshops

Company Workshops

Select Biosciences Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics 2017 World Congress will feature company workshops each lasting 2 hours enabling companies to provide a deep dive into their respective technologies, products/services and applications.

Presentations from the company representatives and key end-users will highlight features and this format provides an excellent opportunity for companies to engage deeply with customers and potential collaborators.

The Format of the Workshops is as Follows:

Companies may combine slide presentations with on-site demos of products, lab-on-a-chip set-ups as a means to engage with the workshop attendees and demonstrate salient features of their technology, product or service offerings.

Workshop Schedule: Workshops are Held at the Marriott Coronado Island Resort & Spa Conference Center.

3 October 2017, 13:00-15:00

4 October 2017, 10:30-12:30

Add to Calendar ▼2017-10-02 00:00:002017-10-04 00:00:00Europe/LondonLab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2017Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2017 in Coronado Island, CaliforniaCoronado Island,