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SELECTBIO Conferences Biofabrication & Biomanufacturing 2022

Biofabrication & Biomanufacturing 2022 Agenda

ElastoSens(TM) Bio: A Smart and Non-Destructive Analytical Instrument for the Viscoelasticity Characterization of Soft Biomaterials

Dimitria Bonizol Camasao, Senior Application Scientist, Rheolution

In this presentation, the speakers will introduce an innovative non-destructive viscoelasticity testing platform (ElastoSensTM Bio) that is bridging the gap on the benchtop in the research and fabrication of soft and often complex biomaterials. They will provide compelling studies performed with the ElastoSensTM Bio that highlight important data that this instrument can extract from soft samples and why this information is valuable in the context of their applications (hydrogel formulation, tissue engineering, 3D printing, drug delivery systems, blood coagulation, and hemostatic agents) for R&D, product development and/or quality insurance and process control. ElastoSensTM Bio is a smart, cell-friendly and affordable viscoelasticity testing instrument and is the first non-destructive modular testing solution that enables streamlined analytics on viscoelasticity, swelling, temperature and photostimulation data in real-time.