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SELECTBIO Conferences Exosomes & Liquid Biopsies Europe 2018

Exosomes & Liquid Biopsies Europe 2018 Agenda

Early Detection of Cancer by Serum Exosomes

Takahiro Ochiya, Chief, National Cancer Center Research Institute Japan

Recent studies have revealed a novel biomolecule, the exosome, which supports cancer metastasis and many other cancer–associated events. Exosomes are a subset of extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are lipid bilayer vesicles secreted from cells. Exosomes have a diameter of 50–150 nm, and they transfer miRNA, mRNA, DNA, and proteins to other cells, thereby mediating intercellular communications. Application of these EVs for biomarker analysis, biofunctions and cell-free regeneration medicine are actively studied, however, common methods for EVs isolation is not always accurately conducted. Especially, EVs represent an important source of potential biomarkers in many diseases that could provide a non-invasive method of early diagnosis or prognosis. Here we will discuss on our current progress on EVs detection as ExoScreen method (Yoshioka et al., Nat Commun, 2014) and usage for early detection of colorectal and pancreatic cancer with high sensitivity and specificity.