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SELECTBIO Conferences Exosomes & Liquid Biopsies Europe 2018

Exosomes & Liquid Biopsies Europe 2018 Agenda

Biomarker detection using Particle Metrix ZetaView® and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)

Sascha Raschke, , Distrilab B.V.

By using the ZetaView® NTA instrument Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and other biological nanoparticles in a heterogeneous sample can be individually analyzed in terms of their size, number and concentration.  Furthermore, they can be phenotypically characterized using fluorescence-labeled antibodies or intercalating membrane dyes. Two different fluorescence channels of the ZetaView® machine allow analysis of two different fluorescent labels in rapid succession with just one sample, eliminating the time and effort required to produce a second fluorescently labeled sample.