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SELECTBIO Conferences Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes & Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019

Circulating Biomarkers, Exosomes & Liquid Biopsy Europe 2019 Agenda

Immunophenotyping Extracellular Vesicles Using Amnis Imaging Technology

Owen Hughes, Amnis Sales Specialist UK, Luminex

Only recently has the importance of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as key mediators of intercellular communication been appreciated. EVs are membrane-derived structures that include exosomes, microvesicles, and apoptotic bodies. Exosomes have been shown to transfer molecules between cells, and have the potential to transfer signals between cells. Exosomes are released under normal physiological conditions, however, they are also assumed to serve as mediators in the pathogenesis of neurological, vascular, hematological, and autoimmune diseases, as well as cancer. Moreover, EVs have the potential to function as novel biomarkers and are promising delivery systems for therapeutic bioactive molecules.

Quantifying and characterizing EVs in a reproducible and reliable manner has been difficult, due to their small size (exosome range from 30–100 nm in diameter). EV analysis can be done using high-magnification microscopy, however, this technique has a very low-throughput. Attempts to analyze extracellular vesicles using traditional PMT-based flow cytometers has been hampered by the limit of detection of such small particles and low refractive index. To overcome these limitations we have employed the Amnis imaging technology, which has the advantage of high-throughput flow cytometry with higher sensitivity to small particles, due to the timedelay-integration image capturing system. In this study, the Amnis imaging technology is used to immunophenotype EVs. Strategies to optimize detection of EVs will also be discussed.