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SELECTBIO Conferences International Bioprinting Congress

International Bioprinting Congress Agenda

3D Printing and the Health Sciences Industry

Simin Zhou, Vice President, UL LLC

3D printing, or “additive manufacturing,” is not a new process. It has been around for 30-some years. However, the use of the technology has flourished in recent years, particularly in the health sciences industry, as it has become more accessible and less expensive to use. Already, 3D printing has transformed manufacturing operations, supply chains, and the very products that the health sciences industry creates. Increasingly, 3D printing will be used to create highly-personalized medical devices and drugs, and future uses of the technology include the “bioprinting” of living organs. The variety of applications of the technology could revolutionize the health sciences industry. However, the technology also creates new hazards and challenges. In this presentation, Ms. Zhou will discuss the applications, innovation and challenges.