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SELECTBIO Conferences Organ-on-a-Chip and Body-on-a-Chip: In Vitro Systems Mimicking In Vivo Functions

Organ-on-a-Chip and Body-on-a-Chip: In Vitro Systems Mimicking In Vivo Functions Agenda

Implementing Microphysiological Systems Into AstraZeneca Research Projects

Kristin Fabre, Microphysiological Systems Lead, Drug Safety & Metabolism, AstraZeneca

Microphysiological systems (MPS) hold much promise for providing a physiologically-relevant human model that could be utilized for toxicity and efficacy screening during drug development.  The AstraZeneca MPS Center of Excellence was established in the Fall of 2016, with a goal to 1) develop an effective strategy that identifies best-fit MPS platforms, 2) gain confidence in these models and finally, 3) implement into active projects if the technologies prove to be advantageous over current methods.  The purpose of this presentation will illustrate how we have put this strategy into practice, highlighting AstraZeneca-MPS examples.  Furthermore, we recognize the need to collaborate with government and other industry partners to catalyze the refinement, evolution and eventually, commercialization of MPS, which will also be discussed.