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SELECTBIO Conferences 3D-Culture & Organoids 2019

3D-Culture & Organoids 2019 Agenda

Next-Generation Organoid Cancer Models from the Human Cancer Models Initiative

James Clinton, Senior Scientist, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)

ATCC is manufacturing and distributing models from The Human Cancer Models Initiative, an international consortium dedicated to generating hundreds of novel primary patient-derived cancer models, including three-dimensional organoids. These models can be propagated from cryopreserved material and are annotated with clinical and molecular data. HCMI models are intended as pre-clinical tools for disease modeling, biomarker identification, compound screening, and personalized medicine. These models hold promise to transform cancer research by being more physiologically relevant and predictive than existing in vitro models. In this presentation I provide an overview of the HCMI and ATCC’s involvement in making these novel cancer models available to the research community.