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SELECTBIO Conferences Personalized Medicine and its Impact in the Clinic

Personalized Medicine and its Impact in the Clinic Agenda

Detection, Characterization and ex vivo Expansion of Viable CTCs

Catherine Alix-Panabieres, Associate Professor, University Medical Center of Montpellier

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood are promising new biomarkers potentially useful for prognostic prediction and monitoring of therapies in patients with solid tumors including colon cancer. Moreover, CTC research opens a new avenue for understanding the biology of metastasis in cancer patients. However, an in-depth investigation of CTCs is hampered by the very low number of these cells, especially in the blood of colorectal cancer patients. Thus, the establishment of cell cultures and permanent cell lines from CTCs has become the most challenging task over the past year. Here we describe, for the first time, the establishment of cell cultures and a permanent cell line from CTCs of one colon cancer patient. The cell line designated CTC-MCC-41 has been cultured for more than one year and cells have been characterized at the genome, transcriptome, proteome and secretome levels. This thorough analysis showed that CTC-MCC-41 cells resemble characteristics of the original tumor cells in the colon cancer patient and display a stable phenotype characterized by an intermediate epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype, stem-cell like properties and an osteomimetic signature indicating a bone marrow origin. Functional studies showed that CTC-MCC-41 cells induced rapidly in vitro endothelial cell tube formation and in vivo tumors after xenografting in immunodeficient mice. The establishment of this first colon cancer CTC line allows now a wealth of functional studies on the biology of CTCs as well as in vitro and in vivo drug testing.