Keynote Speakers
OverviewSELECTBIO Translational Medicine Summit (TRM) is focused on providing an up-to-date and expansive view of the current field of RNA-based translational research and commercial activities. This summit primarily addresses business opportunities and challenges in the RNA-based translational medicine field.The main focus of the 2013 inaugural summit is on "Translational Application of RNAs." The goal of this summit is to bring together speakers and delegates focused on: 1. Challenges in RNA Translational Research 2. Personalized Medicine Focused on RNAs 3. Biomarker Development Focused on RNAs 4. Diagnostics Development Focused on RNAs Also focused on in this summit is the emerging field of Epigenetics. All registered delegates to this summit receive an electronic copy of the SELECTBIO MicroRNA, Non-Coding RNA, and Epigenetics: Research and Biomarkers 2013 Market Report [publication date: May 2013]. Who should attend: 1. Business Development Leaders from Pharma, Biotech, as well as Academic Institutions 2. Researchers Focusing on Translational Activities 3. Licensing Executives in the Biomarker and Diagnostics Fields