Robert Wassman,
Chief Medical Officer,
Rosetta Genomics
E. Robert Wassman, M.D. is Chief Medical Officer of Rosetta Genomics a pioneer in the discovery of microRNAs and their development into clinical diagnostic tools. Dr. Wassman joined Rosetta with more than 30 years of experience in genetics-based diagnostics. Prior to joining Rosetta, he served in various positions focused on the advancing the translation and delivery of cutting-edge diagnostic technology into clinical service, including Chief Medical and Chief Genomics Officer at Generation Health; SVP/CMO of Helicos BioSciences; Co-Founder and CMO of Good Start Genetics, and President/CMO of Celula, Inc. Prior to leading these start-up ventures, he was the Senior Medical Officer of Genzyme Genetics after helping lead Alfigen/The Genetics Institute for many years. In addition he has served as a consultant to numerous companies introducing other key innovations to the market. Dr. Wassman received his B.S. from Yale University, and his M.D. from Albany Medical College. He took post-graduate training in Pediatrics and Medical Genetics at NY Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center and UCLA respectively, and is Board certified in these disciplines.