Itziar Gonzalez,
Tenured Scientist,
CSIC Spanish National Research Council
Iciara Gonzalez obtained a Ph.D. degree in Physics-material science at University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) in 1998. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) from 1998 to 2001, conducting research in the fields of acoustic manipulation of aerosols and suspensions, including secondary interactions and local nonlinearities acoustically induced. She was appointed tenured scientist in 2003 in the Department of Ultrasonic Signals, Systems and Technologies of the Centre of Physic Technologies of CSIC. Her research interests are the strategic use of ultrasonic waves for particle and cell micromanipulation in capillaries and microchambers, single resonators and resonant multilayer systems, including the use of new materials, such as polymeric microrresonators. Currently she has been working in the development of low cost microsensors and ultrasonic actuators/transducers.