Alessio Ciulli,
University of Dundee
Alessio graduated in Chemistry (2002) from his hometown Florence under the late Ivano Bertini and obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge (Chemistry, 2006), studying as a Gates Cambridge Scholar under the supervision of Chris Abell and in collaboration with Astex Pharmaceuticals. Following post-doctoral research on fragment-based drug design with Chris Abell and Tom Blundell, and an HFSP visiting Fellowship at Yale University to begin collaboration with Craig Crews (2009), he was awarded a BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship and returned to Cambridge to start his independent career in 2010. In 2013 Alessio was awarded an ERC Starting Grant and moved his laboratory to the School of Life Sciences at Dundee as Reader and Principal Investigator within the Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery. He was promoted to Chair (Professor) in Chemical and Structural Biology in October 2016. Alessio is the recipient of the 2014 Talented Young Italian award, the 2015 EFMC Prize for Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia, the 2015 ICBS Young Chemical Biologist Award, the 2016 RSC Capps Green Zomaya Award in medicinal computational chemistry, and the 2016 MedChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship.