LATE-PCR and Its Allied Technologies and how they have been used to construct a highly informative single-tube assay for M(X)DR-TBTuesday, 4 September 2012 at 09:30 Add to Calendar ▼2012-09-04 00:00:002012-09-04 01:00:00Europe/LondonTBAGenomics Research Europe in Frankfurt, GermanyFrankfurt, LATE-PCR and Its Allied Technologies – PrimeSafe™, Dilute-‘N’-Go Sequencing, and Thermalight™ probes have been invented and explored in depth over the last decade. These technologies make it possible to amplify multiple single-stranded products and then analyze these products at end-point in multiple colors over a wide range of temperatures. Our resulting single-tube assay for M(X)DR TB is highly reliable, and highly informative. |