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SELECTBIO Conferences Lab-on-a-Chip, Microfluidics & Microarray World Congress

Felix Von Stetten's Biography

Felix Von Stetten, Head, HSG IMIT

Dr. Felix von Stetten studied agricultural engineering, dairy science and biotechnology before he obtained his PhD in Microbiology in 1999 from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Thereafter, he worked as a scientist in the diagnostic industry, where he was involved in the development of methods for sample preparation, real-time PCR and DNA-arrays. In 2003 he joined the Laboratory for MEMS Applications at IMTEK, University of Freiburg, where he was involved in biofuel cell- and lab-on-a-chip-research. Since 2008 he heads the joint lab-on-a-chip research division of IMTEK and HSG-IMIT at Freiburg, Germany.

Felix Von Stetten Image

LabTube and LabDisk - Prospective Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms for Sample-to-Answer Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid Testing

Friday, 19 September 2014 at 08:15

Add to Calendar ▼2014-09-19 08:15:002014-09-19 09:15:00Europe/LondonLabTube and LabDisk - Prospective Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms for Sample-to-Answer Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid TestingLab-on-a-Chip, Microfluidics and Microarray World Congress in San Diego, California, USASan Diego, California,

We have developed prospective centrifugal microfluidic platforms, i.e. LabTube and LabDisk, and unleashed their potential for sample-to-answer point-of-care nucleic acid testing (POC NAT). The LabDisk platform consists of a disk containing the prestored reagents, and a handheld processing device. Several novel microfluidic unit operations, as required for POC NAT have been developed. These include magnetic bead handling, radially inward pumping, and cross-contamination free aliquoting. All unit operations are compatible with low-cost monolithic manufacturing, which will facilitate the market entry. On the other hand, the LabTube platform comprises a lab-on-a-chip cartridge that can be processed by a standard laboratory centrifuge. It obviates the need for highly specialized processing devices and may help to circumvent the known market entry barriers for lab-on-a-chip. These platforms have been demonstrated for sample-to-answer POC NAT using different sample matrices, such as whole blood, tissue, tumor cells and bacterial pathogens.

Add to Calendar ▼2014-09-18 00:00:002014-09-19 00:00:00Europe/LondonLab-on-a-Chip, Microfluidics and Microarray World CongressLab-on-a-Chip, Microfluidics and Microarray World Congress in San Diego, California, USASan Diego, California,