Marian Raschke,
Head of Advanced Cellular Models,
Bayer AG, Pharmaceuticals Division
Dr. Raschke is head of Advanced Cellular Models within Investigational Toxicology at Bayer AG, Pharmaceuticals. He received his doctorate in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Jena, Germany. After working as a postdoctoral fellow for Schering AG, he joined Bayer as a research scientist in Mechanistic and Molecular Toxicology, and later became head of laboratory. His main areas of expertise include complex cellular in vitro models for organ toxicity, including organ-on-chip models, in vitro toxicity testing with focus on hepatotoxicity and mitochondrial toxicity, root cause analyses of safety findings, and safety biomarker analyses. He acts as Toxicology Lead in preclinical oncology programs. Dr. Raschke is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Lonza, focusing on ADME/TOX aspects.
Microphysiological Systems – Why is Industry Adopting Slowly?
Monday, 24 October 2022 at 11:15
Add to Calendar ▼2022-10-24 11:15:002022-10-24 12:15:00Europe/LondonMicrophysiological Systems – Why is Industry Adopting Slowly?Bioengineering for Building Microphysiological Systems 2022 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The
Advanced cellular models and microphysiological systems (MPS) have the potential to fundamentally change the test and assessment strategies in pharma industry’s R&D which for decades relied to a great extent on animal experimentation complemented with rather simple in vitro assays. This has led the so-called “valley of death”, an evident translational gap between preclinical and clinical observations related to both safety and efficacy assessments, which ranks among the leading causes of drug failure. The ongoing transformation of the pharma industry, moving from small molecule drugs to highly diverse therapeutic modalities, including cell and gene therapy, together with increasing public and regulatory expectations for alternatives to animal testing, provides a fertile ground for MPS and other advanced cellular models. The talk will provide a general introduction of the past, present, and anticipated future role of in vitro testing in the pharma industry with focus on the application of MPS in the field of safety testing. This will be complemented by a pharma end-user perspective on opportunities and current limitations hindering a more widespread use of MPS. Moreover, recent in-house use-cases involving MPS in Investigational Toxicology will be shared to contextualize the outlined perspective.
Add to Calendar ▼2022-10-24 00:00:002022-10-25 00:00:00Europe/LondonBioengineering for Building Microphysiological Systems 2022Bioengineering for Building Microphysiological Systems 2022 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The