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SELECTBIO Conferences Point-of-Care, Biosensors & Mobile Diagnostics Europe 2021

Joany Jackman's Biography

Joany Jackman, Senior Scientist, Technical Lead, Technology Development Core, Johns Hopkins Center for Point-of-Care Technologies Research for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Dr. Joany Jackman received her Ph.D in Cellular Biology and Molecular Biology from the University of Vermont and began her research career in the field of cancer biology at the NCI/NIH and Georgetown University before moving into the field of infectious diseases. She was an IPA at the USAMRIID assisting with DARPA programs geared to develop and test new diagnostics for biological warfare agents. As a senior scientist at the Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab, she has continued her research in the area of infectious diseases and diagnostics. Dr. Jackman received the patent for detection of biomarkers of infection in exhaled breath condensates. She has continued to work in these areas, infectious diseases and diagnostics as part of the Johns Hopkins Center for Point of Care Technologies for Sexually Transmitted Infections since 2007.

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New Tools to Help Developers of Point of Care Diagnostics

Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 18:10

Add to Calendar ▼2021-06-30 18:10:002021-06-30 19:10:00Europe/LondonNew Tools to Help Developers of Point of Care DiagnosticsPoint-of-Care, Biosensors and Mobile Diagnostics Europe 2021 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The

As part of our mission with Johns Hopkins Center for Point-of-Care Technologies Research for Sexually Transmitted Disease, the Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab (JHU-APL) has developed several tools to assist companies developing point-of-care tests for STD and now COVID-19. One resource is the Technology Watch Database (TWD), a free on database containing diagnostic devices for sexually transmitted infections and for COVID-19 diagnostics.  In 2020, we created a new tool to assist developers by providing on line access to systems engineering support for their technology.  The Self-Assessment Systems Engineering (SASE) tool queries applicants in 24 different areas influencing technology development. While the tool contains as many as 450 questions, only a subset is displayed to each applicant as determined by the dynamic responses to the questions based on the current technology readiness levels (TRL). Generally this tool applies to TRL 3 through 7. Responses to the SASE (and supplemental materials )are submitted to JHU APL for review by subject matter experts in various technical areas as well as experts with experience in overall development of point–of-care assays.  A combined report is sent to the SASE applicant within approximately 30 business days with a follow up meeting with JHU APL to discuss the report.  Currently the SASE tool is free through the NIBIB POCTRN. Finally we will offer Tactical Funding to companies interested in developing test which target STDs.  Well developed tests for other targets capable pivoting to STD diagnostics will be a priority for funding.

Add to Calendar ▼2021-06-28 00:00:002021-06-30 00:00:00Europe/LondonPoint-of-Care, Biosensors and Mobile Diagnostics Europe 2021Point-of-Care, Biosensors and Mobile Diagnostics Europe 2021 in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsRotterdam, The